1st Joint Seminar – The Role of Interventional Radiology and Proton Beam Therapy in Current Cancer Management


Rumah Sakit Akademik Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerjasama dengan Southern TOHOKU Hospital Group menyelenggarakan 1st Joint Seminar dengan topik “The Role of Interventional Radiology and Proton Beam Therapy in Current Cancer Management”.
Seminar ini dibuka oleh Direktur Utama RSA UGM dan dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari RS Jejaring FKKMK UGM. Dalam seminar ini juga dilakukan penandatanganan kerjasama antara RSA UGM dan Southern TOHOKU Hospital Group. Materi seminar dapat diunduh dibawah ini:

Profile of Universitas Gadjah Mada Academic Hospital

Introduction of Southern TOHOKU Hospital

Profile and Problem of Cancer Patient in Special District of Yogyakarta and its Surrounding Areas

The Role of Diagnostic Radiology in the Treatment of Cancer

The Current Situation and Future Perspective of Proton Beam Therapy

Accelerator-Based BNCT at Southern TOHOKU General Hospital – The World’s First BNCT Hospital