Environmental Health Challenge: Research trends and priorities in public health

Environmental health issues: Current and future projection

Indah Deviyanti, MPH – National Professional Officer Environmental Health World Health Organization Indonesia

High quality research in environmental health: Approach and future direction

Prof. Dr. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. – Professor, Department of Family, Community Medicine and Bioethics, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Research in environmental health has growth rapidly in the past decades. The growing of public health problems and improvement of technology made research in environmental health become more complex and challenging. Climate change, air pollution, urban health and biomarker are main issues of environmental health in many countries. However, the ever-evolving nature of public health problems requires environmental health researchers and practitioners to keep updating and focusing their effort in solving the relevant public health issues.

The seminar entitled “Environmental Health Challenge: Research trends and priorities in public health” will encourage discussion about the current trend and issues of environmental health research. Discussion will be focused to identify the challenge and opportunity in developing environmental health research in the future, especially in Indonesia. The discussion was also expected to encourage participants to develop high quality of environmental health research to answer the future challenge.